Bye April, Hello May!

May, please be as awesome as April 



I am not even going to begin to tell you how crazy my life has been the last couple of weeks. Actually, busy is an understatement.  Sadly, I have failed all of you, miserably! I have neglected to post on social media, send newsletters or update you on anything. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am ecstatic with the overload of business. Moreover, I feel blessed, grateful and overjoyed that Miami/Broward Peeps want me to photograph their events and life. 

Small self-observation | Why do I want to do it ALL and why do I feel grody when I can’t do it ALL. You see, some say I have a TYPE A personality. Okay, what does that really mean? Really? I can guarantee you, I am ALL types of personalities. I swear, ask my husband, he can attest to my variety of personalities. 

My closest friends feel abandoned, I've neglected my husband and my kids, well I didn't forget about my kids, but let's just say they've figured out how to be independent real quick. Worst Mom Award goes to... little, old me. I've heard that it is not what you do for your kids, but what you have trained them to do for themselves, that will make them favorable human monsters, I mean beings. Did I mention I have a preteen and one who is 10 years old and going on 18?

Above is a photo of Lily, a bouquet of springtime. She is one of the many reasons why I've been lost in adrispace. So, I promise to post, blog and share what I've been up to and disclose with you why I've been cooped up in my 10 x 10 office. Can't wait to share, share and share. 

Go to Contact page, to book your session with adriFOTO!