Moya Family | Pinecrest, Florida


Oh, house shoots... how I love thee!  "I be" crazy when my clients choose their houses as their photo backdrop. I mean don't get me wrong,  I love parks, museums, and beaches but the home, it's so meaningful and personal. And the added bonus, they're likely to appear more comfortable and not to mention, I get my favorite natural-looking shots. 

The Moya's are one of my favorite and loyal clients. I get excited to visit them annually and witness how big the mini Moya's have grown. Catching up with mom + dad is awesome too. I ♥ their outfits, I ♥ their house, I ♥ everything about them.  I relish the entire experience.

Capturing The Moya's memories is something I look forward to every year. I am so thankful they choose lil old me to photograph their perfect family. Putting their most treasured memories into my hands is fascinating.